Experience YouthBuild
New Bedford
We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
At PACE YouthBuild New Bedford, we are strong believers in the ability of our youth to succeed. Our programming and activities are designed to help our youth reach their goals and fulfill their highest potential. We are proud of all our members, and love watching them grow into career-minded and confident individuals. See how we’re involved in making a difference in the lives of young people ages 16-24.
Let Today Be the Day you give up who you've been for Who You Can Become ~Hal Elrod
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Get to Know Us
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t!
We believe that youth are a valuable and underutilized resource in our society. Given the opportunity, youth can and will take responsibility for themselves and their communities. With real work and meaningful education, youth can become powerful agents for change in our society.
The YouthBuild model fosters a supportive mini-community of youth and adults with explicitly positive values that encourage members to define and achieve their highest goals and aspirations. This model has evolved, for over 30 years from the first YouthBuild program in Harlem through the experiences and steady input from members and staff throughout the years. YouthBuild New Bedford is an excellent stepping-stone to advance in non-traditional career opportunities. We embody teamwork, self-discipline, determination, commitment, dedication, ambition and responsibility.
Our Committment
Without Commitment Nothing ever Happens ~TD Jakes
The PACE YouthBuild New Bedford Program is committed to making a difference in the lives of the young people in the Greater New Bedford area. Graduates of our program earn valuable skills that enhance their employability.
Educational Increases
HiSET Credentials
NCCER Certification
CPR & First Aid
Leadership Skills
Career Readiness Competence
Money for Post Secondary Education
Courses, Classes and Services
We Rise by Lifting Others. ~Robert Ingersoll
Vocational Skill Building
Members in Construction training will spend a portion of the program year at YouthBuild’s Construction-training worksites rebuilding affordable housing for sale to low-income families and making homes more green.
During the Program year, members may have the opportunity to learn and earn NCCER National Certification through:
Site safety/work regulation
CPR and First Aide
Demolition and Clean Out
Replacement of Structural Partitions
Framing walls and ceilings
Masonry (interior and exterior)
Installation of doors and windows
Floor preparation and finish
Interior walls and ceilings
Interior finishing
Green Building
YBNB’s education component is member-centered. It is based on members’ needs and interests. The education program puts members at the center of learning in an active and self-directing way. The educational program at YBNB is designed for:
Educational Increases
HiSET Attainment
Skill Building for Post Secondary Success
Financial Literacy
Life Skills Building
Career Readiness Competence
The YouthBuild Model provides members with the training and the knowledge they need to become leaders in the community. We teach critical and real worlds thinking. Our goal is that every member leaves the YouthBuild Program better informed about themselves and the world, better prepared for the world of work and more goal oriented.
Want to learn more about the extent of our services? Get in touch with us today and swing by for a visit!
The Best Way to Find Yourself is to Lose Yourself in the Service of Others. ~Ghandi
YouthBuild New Bedford member is also an AmeriCorps member and performs 450 hours of service in their community. At YouthBuild, we show our members that service is not punishment, but for a way for us to see ourselves as part of the greater whole. Projects we have completed include:
Housing for 1st Time Home Buyers
YouthBuild Feeds - A black top garden free food project
Various Homelessness Initiatives
Neighborhood Cleanups
Handicap Ramp Building
Senior Care Support
Building Life Guard Chairs at Beaches
Creating a Walking School Bus and Outdoor Classroom at Pulaski School
Grow Education Kiosks and Garden Beds